1KE2-3: Information Market | Ensure Your Custom Software Meets Requirements

1 year ago

Discover the future of software development with Tau's latest innovation. Join the Tau community as we explore the benefits of an information market that offers proof of specification, providing mathematical proof that the code meets your requirements. Say goodbye to traditional setups and costly mistakes, and hello to peace of mind and a more efficient process. Get ready to revolutionize how you approach software development and take your business to the next level. Watch now! #shorts

Disclaimer: Please note that Tau and Agoras are currently in the development stage and are not yet completed. Any information provided about the project is based on my understanding and interpretation, and should not be taken as a guarantee of its final functionality or features.

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Tau Official Development Updates: https://github.com/IDNI/TML
TML Playground: https://tml.tau.net/

Many thanks to:
Video by Ron Lach : https://www.pexels.com/video/a-man-reading-a-newspaper-while-sitting-at-the-back-seat-of-a-car-9520617/
Video by Pavel Danilyuk: https://www.pexels.com/video/people-at-office-talking-on-phone-7591949/
Video by MART PRODUCTION: https://www.pexels.com/video/businesswomen-walking-in-a-hallway-7644032/
Video by Thirdman: https://www.pexels.com/video/people-working-in-the-office-7653221/
Video by Ron Lach : https://www.pexels.com/video/a-businessman-typing-on-a-laptop-in-the-back-seat-of-a-car-9520979/

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