2 years ago

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Veronica's original testimony:

Without passing our test/s, we have no real impacting testimony God will use to impact the lives of others ... both in HEAVEN or on earth.

If you're familiar with the Book of Job in the Old Testament, maybe you've never given it much thought, but the Book of Job would most likely never been written for us to read had Job not passed HIS test. And the point of saying that is: PASS YOUR TEST/S.

That's what Veronica's video is really all about. It's MAJOR ENCOURAGEMENT from the Holy Spirit to NOT let YOUR "cross" defeat you, but allow the One who suffered more than anyone to sustain you through YOUR times of trial, so God will have YOUR testimony to tell throughout HEAVEN for all eternity!

Let's shoot back to Job. Perhaps you haven't realized it yet, but God is STILL in the "business" of executing "Job Encounters" TODAY. Some "Job Encounters" are minor in terms of suffering. Some are MAJOR. Some are even a LIFETIME. Whatever your cross has been -- may be now -- or may be in the future ... let the words of this precious sister be the record that plays 24x7 in your mind: "Whatever your cross ... be faithful in that."

“Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.” (James 1:12)

The "Crown Of Life" might not seem like all that big of a "reward" for one's suffering in this life for Christ ... but be reminded of:

"Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor heart has imagined, what God has prepared for those who love Him." (1 Cor. 2:9)

One little word in the above passage hits the nail on the head: LOVE. Love on our part does not express itself to God through bitterness, resentment, nor anger (for very long, anyway). It does the HARD thing. The RIGHT thing. The VERY NOBLE thing. The CHRIST LIKE thing: It simply declares: "Though you allow the devil to slay me, God, yet will I keep PRAISING you and keep THANKING you that I have assurance I will be with you through ETERNITY ... having a testimony you will want ALL of heaven to hear should you want it shared, and more importantly, sharing never-ending joy with Jesus because He endured HIS cross which empowers me to endure mine until I'm with Him in glory."

A secondary point worth making: Though Veronica doesn't go into much detail about the matter in this video, she came to realize her VALUE and WORTH is NEVER to be determined by successes or failures in this life, rejection or abuse. It is to be determined by how GOD sees us, and the only way we can understand how God sees us is through His Word. Do a search on the Internet using these words to learn more about this important subject: WHO GOD THE FATHER SAYS I AM IN CHRIST JESUS - or click on:

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