Kryptonite Physics Introduction.

1 year ago

This is a brief outline of the first five videos in this series,
The aim is to give the viewer an understanding of Physics, at a basic but relevant level so as to fully understand the impact of the last video.
The Kryptonite Physics.

All the physics relates to a mass or point on the edge of a rotation. Except (1) Vector addition.

The first four :
1. Vector addition, Top to tail.

2. Circular motion the effect on a mass.

3. Rigid body rotation with translation physics.

4. Relative motion and inertial reference frames.
A not seen before look at this physics, it challenges relative motion.

5. The Kryptonite Physics.
Pulls the knowledge gained from the past four videos together, it challenges the very bedrock of physics. with known and tested physics.

Handy tool, for the future videos is a vector addition program, simple to use, get familiar with it, it may come in handy.

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