As an older soul you are mature and are aware

1 year ago

As an older soul you are mature and are aware. It is not your way to attempt to control over the channels or to be one expecting rewards of the status of central powers to make these changes. You are within the channels of the Great River of Light, in harmonic vibration with Divine musical energies manifesting and creating new universes. Teach the difference between collective and individual power. As an individual you are limited by specific timelines where your being is focused and finite. As the collective you are an infinite being in non-physical realities with unlimited awareness. Your ability to communicate, share and acknowledge truth is universal, while as an individual you deal in facts and perspectives which limit your intelligence and power. As a Divine Golden Key you are a steward for those seeking the first path. This is the path of Truth. Open the door to love that brings forth a collective agreement which is the community of family where all is shared within the relationships. The truth is to be brought forth in the form of gifts and education. So as a healer you give and as a teacher you educate or help those that ask/remember their divine heritage. All is given to the family and all that is, is given of higher intelligence and creative love.

The first path brings about completion and fulfillment of the individual born within oneness which is enlightenment. The Fifth Dimensional realm of abundance brings forth flowering and understanding about the origination. Third Dimensional limitations, timelines filled with stress, pressure and drama are held in closed structures, circular loops and boxes of fear. The Third Dimensional challenge engaged your desire through contrast and difficulty. The incomplete systems disintegrated universal power into particular control centers whereby energy was directed by the elites who held power over. The change occurring to this status quo ends elitist culture of dictatorial deception. Wayshowers teach and share abundance. They quench with knowledge, service and compassion the deserts of emotional disempowerment, financial scarcity and self-hate with love, forgiveness and appreciation. In renewal life regains vitality and springs forth with transformed vigor and expression. Initiators are called forth and awaken. Calls and requests from the Wayshowers send forth the energy of abundance which is answered through their capacity. Wayshowers increase the flow and accelerate the changes. The Dark Masters feel their control and power slipping away from them and their funds, power, control and magic disappear. You are here to be a Great Awakener, You are Wayshowers.
Wayshowers are wise old souls who know the way, who understand the path and are the Divine Golden Keys to the Doors that open up the streams of the Great River that leads to Oneness. Wayshowers are benevolent and see the game and the work clearly. A fantastic flow of information, currency and gratitude for resources has initiated the un-traveled path the Wayshowers have asked for. It is given now because you are one, you are in agreement and you are here as destiny has provided so that this passage of time, the movement of galaxies, the turning of stars, the transition of societies, your contract, can be fulfilled and honored. The war is over and peace has entered as the sun of the returning Golden Light is shining. The Teachers of Light speak forth a message to those who are waiting. To wait is no longer possible for you to sit upon the threshold. The resources you have patiently awaited approaches like an immense wave cresting onto the shoreline. The impulse activated by your wishes, hopes, dreams, beliefs and desires rushes forth.

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