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15 seconds

PUN! 6

Streamed on:

Patriots Unite! Christians Unite!


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  • JOIN US! PATRIOTS UNITE NOW! RADIO BROADCAST: Currently airing Mondays from 8-9 PM Eastern on shortwave radio at 4.840 Mhz., with a repeat from 7-8 PM Eastern on Wednesdays at 6.115 Mhz. You can also listen to both broadcasts online at www.wwcr.com by clicking Listen Online and choosing WWCR 3 on Mondays, and WWCR 1 for the Wednesday repeat. PUN RUMBLECAST: Tuesdays, 6:00 PM Eastern on www.rumble.com , search for "patriotsunitenow," or go to: https://rumble.com/c/c-2153590 or https://rumble.com/patriotsunitenow Please be sure to click the Subscribe button. POSTAL ADDRESS: Patriots Unite NOW! P.O. Box 791 Bronx, NY 10465 United States of America ARCHIVED PATRIOTS UNITE NOW! WEBSITE: https://web.archive.org/web/20180821131612/http://patriotsunitenow.com/id8.html SOCIAL MEDIA SITE: www.mewe.com/join/patriotsunitenow

  • Sounds great Ken!

  • Attention all PUNites: The repeat didn't air this Wednesday on WWCR because of maintenance issues. I'll speak with the producer tomorrow to learn if Monday's PUN! on WWCR will be re-aired later this week. TY.

  • Let me weigh in on the proposed PUN name change as well: I wouldn't do it, Ken. I think it's better to keep the existing name recognition all around, with the overt and innate Christian content as an inherent part -- as it always has been and should be. My 2 cents.

  • I hate the fact that the "Restream" in the upper right corner of the screen is in the colors of the Ukrainian flag. Is that intentional by Rumble?

    1 like
  • BTW. the Fenton Bible translation of Matthew 24 refers to and translates as "frequent earthquakes"...as witness Turkey and Syria. Over 7,000 dead, by last count. :-(

    1 like
  • The Moody Blues were fantastic. One of the best British Invasion bands. Even the name of the band is one of the best of the 60s.

    1 like
  • Destiny Publishers P.O. Box 177 Merrimac, MA. 01860 www.destinypublishers.com

    1 like
  • How do we get your email?

    1 like
  • I DO NOT BELIEVE that "Trumpie Bear" legitimately "lost" the election: https://frankspeech.com/content/mike-lindells-absolute-series

    1 like
  • Ken, when was the last time you went to the P.O. Box? I sent you both a postcard and a large envelope a while back.

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  • Bombshell (no pun intended) article: https://seymourhersh.substack.com/p/how-america-took-out-the-nord-stream

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  • Attention all PUNites!: Thanks to headquarters, the repeat of last Monday's broadcast on WWCR, which didn't air as scheduled on Wednesday due to technical issues, will air on Friday, Feb. 10th, at 1300 EST on 13,845. That frequency, along with 15,825, has been coming in very well over the past few months.

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  • Ken, I couldn’t find a reply button to respond to your last comment on Wednesday. The lineup of movies you mentioned sounds great. I have seen Tension and Fallen Angel and both are good. I am from York Pennsylvania which is located in the south central part of the state. Was one of the first capitals of the United States. Hope your day was a good one.

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  • 13.845. 15.825. These frequencies have greatly improved over the past few months, at least in the southeast Bronx. Maybe we can have a daytime broadcast again?!

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