Patriots Unite! Christians Unite!
JOIN US! PATRIOTS UNITE NOW! RADIO BROADCAST: Currently airing Mondays from 8-9 PM Eastern on shortwave radio at 4.840 Mhz., with a repeat from 7-8 PM Eastern on Wednesdays at 6.115 Mhz. You can also listen to both broadcasts online at by clicking Listen Online and choosing WWCR 3 on Mondays, and WWCR 1 for the Wednesday repeat. PUN RUMBLECAST: Tuesdays, 6:00 PM Eastern on , search for "patriotsunitenow," or go to: or Please be sure to click the Subscribe button. POSTAL ADDRESS: Patriots Unite NOW! P.O. Box 791 Bronx, NY 10465 United States of America ARCHIVED PATRIOTS UNITE NOW! WEBSITE: SOCIAL MEDIA SITE:
Got the envelope yesterday but no postcard. TY. Interesting concept to list all the verses in a Bible chapter on the same page in numerical order with a space between each verse. Should be helpful for Bible study.
Glad you got the envelope, at least. Hope you enjoy the contents. :-) Maybe you'll still get the card. I like the way the Fenton Bible is organized too. :-)
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Sounds great Ken!
Thanks, Noir. Do you noir on MOVIES! on Thursdays?
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Hi Ken. I have gathered a library of classic Noir DVD,s through the years and view them on rotation. Never get tired of seeing how they used the contrast of shadows and light. Currently watching “Double Indemnity” with Fred MacMurray, Barbara Stanwyck and Edward G. Robinson. Thanks for all the time and effort that you put into your radio shows and Rumble broadcasts. Have a great day!
Good flick have it iny collection as well
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Thanks, Noir. Much appreciated. I'll be watching tomorrow Drive the Crooked Road, Tension, Fallen Angel, Castle on the Hudson. Some of the commercials on MOVIES! are gross, but they do a good job overall with Film Noir all day and night on Thursdays and Sunday night beginning at 2000 EST. Where are you from?
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Attention all PUNites: The repeat didn't air this Wednesday on WWCR because of maintenance issues. I'll speak with the producer tomorrow to learn if Monday's PUN! on WWCR will be re-aired later this week. TY.
Let me weigh in on the proposed PUN name change as well: I wouldn't do it, Ken. I think it's better to keep the existing name recognition all around, with the overt and innate Christian content as an inherent part -- as it always has been and should be. My 2 cents.
Thanks for weighing in. Hopefully we're on-time in about 3 hours.
I hate the fact that the "Restream" in the upper right corner of the screen is in the colors of the Ukrainian flag. Is that intentional by Rumble?
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Don't know.
BTW. the Fenton Bible translation of Matthew 24 refers to and translates as "frequent earthquakes" witness Turkey and Syria. Over 7,000 dead, by last count. :-(
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The Moody Blues were fantastic. One of the best British Invasion bands. Even the name of the band is one of the best of the 60s.
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A Question of Balance!
Destiny Publishers P.O. Box 177 Merrimac, MA. 01860
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You bet -- DP are awesome! :-)
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How do we get your email?
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Patriots Unite NOW! POB 791 Bronx, NY 10465-0791 Include an address to be sent a Patriot Pack, free of charge, postage paid. If you'd like a book on a particular topic, mention it in your request. Thanks, Derek.
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I DO NOT BELIEVE that "Trumpie Bear" legitimately "lost" the election:
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Until it's proven in court or in Congress, we can only speculate.
I disagree: The evidence is there for us to see in plain view. No one should need a bunch of politicians or lawyers wearing black robes to validate the truth. All too often their self-appointed mission is the direct opposite. Why do you think NO court actually examined the evidence, but rather rejected even hearing it on procedural grounds alone? They don't want the FACTS to have mainstream public exposure.
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Ken, when was the last time you went to the P.O. Box? I sent you both a postcard and a large envelope a while back.
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Yesterday. I may go again tomorrow. Thanks.
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Wow, okay -- you should've even had both by then. I wonder what's up?
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Nothing in the box from you today. There were other items. I don't know what's up, but something strange is going on with Chronicles magazine. I subscribed for a year on 12/1/2022, was charged $60, and my subscription was supposed to start with the January issue and I was supposed to receive a pen and a book with the offer. Nothing yet has arrived. I've called them three times about this. They tell me I'm in the system and should be getting the magazine. Have you started First Freedom yet?
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You should definitely have both mailings from me by now, and I think the problem is there on your end, because I mailed both things -- postcard and big envelope -- at separate times and from separate locales. Definitely fishy. As for FIRST FREEDOM, I've read the first 30+ pages so far, and it's excellent. Enjoying it tremendously. :-)
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I'm checking the box Friday morning. Just a reminder: Harsanyi is a neocon.
Hope you get both of those mailings soon -- better that the USPS simply messed up, than skullduggery going on. That Harsanyi's a neocon is of no moment with respect to this book -- he's written a good one on a particular topic, and at least so far, his political inclinations are not showing through.
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Bombshell (no pun intended) article:
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Attention all PUNites!: Thanks to headquarters, the repeat of last Monday's broadcast on WWCR, which didn't air as scheduled on Wednesday due to technical issues, will air on Friday, Feb. 10th, at 1300 EST on 13,845. That frequency, along with 15,825, has been coming in very well over the past few months.
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Ok tx 4 the update ken at 18:00 central I checked in on one radio and nothing broadcasting right prior to 19:00 I checked another analog sw radio and you were there just signing off thought I missed it
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Ken, thanks for the update. Very much appreciated.
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Ken, I couldn’t find a reply button to respond to your last comment on Wednesday. The lineup of movies you mentioned sounds great. I have seen Tension and Fallen Angel and both are good. I am from York Pennsylvania which is located in the south central part of the state. Was one of the first capitals of the United States. Hope your day was a good one.
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It was too hectic for Film Noir Day! An unexpected visit from a handyman pushed my schedule back about 90 minutes! Watching Fallen Angel now. And we have another PUNite from PA! Thank you! Please keep listening/viewing and spread the word about PUN!
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13.845. 15.825. These frequencies have greatly improved over the past few months, at least in the southeast Bronx. Maybe we can have a daytime broadcast again?!
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Heard you on 13845 kHz 1 pm eastern time All of it you say is true but my friend! You talk of earth quakes as Gods rage! When they’re manmade! (Weather warfare they have the technology) It’s the technology making you think the end is coming! It is as usual some kind of psychological mind warp! Jesus said always be ready! I believe they are pushing the timeline! That only god can comprehend! Stay loyal to Jesus, man died a criminals death!
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Depopulation events
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I could be wrong man and his technology have not brainwashed and taken over the world! Maybe Santa Clause is just a figment of my imagination the pure mockery! I just question the timeline! Because people were not connected to Jesus enough to figure out Covid! But now they all talk to Jesus and see the end. You are on the sw how many prophets do you hear!
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In my opinion a patriot is not helping! Because they believe in the system they control. The old John Wayne syndrome. GOD country guns country music. Chaos and getting you to believe in nothing! Then they will have the solution the anti christ! Get ready to be beheaded!
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Thanks for sharing and thanks for listening to our first broadcast on 13.845. I don't believe every quake is manmade. Where are you from?
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Well I did not say everyone? But they can be caused and helped by our military industrial complex! There will be more! Everybody is talking the end of times seems very Convenient! When they cause the events. Or control what they want you to know! There are no truths but everybody sees the end coming but not Covid! Seems illogical! I live on Longisland out east! I see the military in the sky every single day for over 20 years! Silent weapons my brother. Look it up research it will blow your mind! Jesus tells us you will have to endure! I think politics is the devils game! Talking about it! Thinking one side is different then the other is juvenile!
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New Zealand got rid of one there new world order politicians it has not stopped raining since! The UN threaten turkey for not complying to there demands the day before! The quake! With strange atmospheric conditions days before the quake! With an unusual cold front that followed! Just look up if the USA pulled any military units from that area in recents months! Because we have been there for over 20 years!
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Welcome aboard, Long Islander!
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GmoODeed, I'm looking forward to connecting with like-minded individuals who share similar beliefs and values. Please leave me a message on WhatsApp for more essential insights I've got to share! :🇺🇸📞 ✙1 (770) 588 6675
Stream is working.
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Patriots Unite Now !!!
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