SCREAM: ALL THE WAY H🕸️ME [Fake Fan-Made Trailer]

2 years ago

The sixth movie in the Scream franchise and the fourth movie in the Spider-Man MCU franchise.

“With Ghostface on the loose and terrorizing the the city of New York, who else should the citizens of New York City look to for help besides non other than your ‘ friendly neighborhood’ Spider-Man! 🕷️🩸Peter was always bothered by Flash Thompson at times and this also might yet be another real suspect to Uncle Ben’s killer. Peter then thinks that there definitely might not be just one of these Halloween ghost masked villains on the loose but perhaps even 2 or more. Can Spidey help Sam and Tara or will it be too late, like it was too late for Gwen….” (With cameos by Stan Lee’s hologram, Wes Craven’s hologram
Neve Campbell, Deadpool, Daredevil, Peter Two, Peter Three, Matthew Lillard, Dr. Strange, Billy Loomis’ hologram, Miles Morales and many more…)

Rated: PG-17

(Follow on tiktok @chris_from_michigan)

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