8 Million Ukrainians Displaced: Largest Refugee Movement Since WWII | #shorts #news

1 year ago

Latest Headlines | "8 Million Ukrainians Displaced: Largest Refugee Movement Since WWII" | #shorts #news

On Monday, the United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffiths reported that a staggering 8 million Ukrainians have been displaced due to the Russian invasion, while an additional 5.3 million have been internally displaced. This drastic refugee movement, which is the largest since World War II, according to the UN, has been triggered by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The UN estimates that the conflict has cost 13,000 lives and the displacement of millions of civilians. The consequences of the conflict have been especially hard on those living in the eastern part of Ukraine, where the war has caused extreme suffering and displacement.

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#UN #Ukraine #RussianInvasion #WWII #RefugeeCrisis #HumanitarianCrisis #EasternUkraine #Conflict #13000LivesLost #MillionsDisplaced #localnews

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