God invited to protect his people from plague Japan travel

1 year ago

Healing Japan Travel
Kashiwa Shrine Official Website

The sanctuary is only a few minutes away from the station in Kashiwa City.
It is so close to the city that you may be surprised, but it has a long history.
The god was invoked from Yasaka Shrine in Kyoto when an epidemic broke out.
There are many small gods enshrined carefully in the precincts of the shrine, and it is a relaxing space even though it is in the middle of the city.
Please come and feel it.

O-suan Kyosai rakuga" by Kawanabe Kyosai (Tokyo Metropolitan Library), processed and created by
Yoshitoshi "Shinkata Sanjurokkai-sen Tamesho no buwei pox ogokigami wo kudukuku zu", Toyokichi Sasaki, Meiji 23, 1890 (National Diet Library), reproduced in Japanese only.
Ansei kariro diarrhea epidemic (Compiled from the National Archives of Japan)
Illustration of the extermination of smallpox. (Created by processing Utagawa Yoshifuji (Tokyo Metropolitan Library)) 
Good medicine and bad disease are eradicated by the blessings of various deities.
Illustration of the eradication of epidemic dandelion, created by Utagawa Yoshimori (Tokyo Metropolitan Library)
Toegangspoort van de Yasaka Shinto Tempel, Kyoto, Japan - Rijksmuseum, Netherlands - Public Domain.
Hiroshige, "Sixty-odd Provinces Meisho Zue, Dewa, A distant view of Tsukiyama on the Mogami River," Koshihei, Kaei 6 (National Diet Library), reproduced from the original.
Kashiwa City Web Site Free Photo Collection

Amacha Music Studio

Click here for subtitles of this video only.

My name is Mayu Noda.
I will introduce the charm of shrines around Tokyo, which I love.
Sometimes temples too.

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If you are interested in learning more about shrines and temples, please write to us with your questions. There are shrines everywhere in Japan. Akihabara in Tokyo is famous for its electric town, but there are shrines even in its back alleys.

I hope that when people from other countries visit Japan, they will feel the sanctity of shrines and clear their minds.

I am not an expert, but I would like to answer questions as I learn more myself. Once I have some of the questions finalized, I will put them on video. Please write to me.

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