Shoping security orders customers to remove jesus's t-shirt

1 year ago

Shoping security prevents a man from shopping and asks him to take off the t-shirt that says "Jesus is the only way". Another security guard intervened and the faithful to God entered there with the T-shirt on. Jesus said - "Like me, you the faithful will also be persecuted". And it's already started...

Segurança do Shoping impede homem de fazer compras e pede para despir a t-shirt que diz "Jesus é o unico caminho". Um outro segurança interveio e o fiel a Deus lá entrou com a T-shirt colocada. Jesus disse - "Assim como eu voces os fieis tambem serão perseguidos". E já começou...

Man idolizing man because he has no faith in God. No man is God just as there is only one God. "Do not worship false idols, nor false prophets, nor false gods."

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Dont stay lock at home watching tv liar videos from tv and Internet, Never give up Freedom, Spread the Truth, keep moral values ​​intact about what's right and what's wrong, Think for yourself, Respect the Human Life, Spread Love and compassion, Dont hate anyone, Never take The Covid vaccine, Dont sell your soul, "Fight" until the End."

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