JUAN O SAVIN- BALLOONS Command positions Decodes- *clipped* Tom Numbers 2 6 2023

2 years ago

Great content and some good decodes from Tom Numbers. This is another description of the Atmopheric Physics that have significance into the Chinese Spy Balloon that was at that time a MEDIA BLITZ. Where they ALL start repeating the same set of EXACT WORDS. That become and INDOCTRINATION EFFECT that is unavoidable as to your STRESS LEVELS and your STATE OF MIND.
Tom numbers 2 6 2023 decodes:
Time on Watch points to the 1 and the 9 19 POWER NUMBER.
Alls Fair in Love and War = 216 Thank you, very nice. Happy to Love you.
In the end Love Wins = 198 Just be yourself. Calm before the Storm.
Posted on The Storm is here ...on Telegram
pic of God woke you up for a reason. (Header)
FEB 6 2023 7:04am
2+6+2+2+3+7+4=26 The word "God," if we use simple Gematria values for the letters of the English alphabet (A = 1, B = 2, etc.) adds to 26. Names such as Leah, Jacob's wife who produced six of his sons, and Obed, the grandfather of King David, also equal twenty-six using this method.

It's going to be BIBLICAL.
Have faith.
McAfee is alive.
God wins.
Caps only = 88 One Love. Elizabeth. Let it Go. Gods Plan.

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