7. Ancient Greece Civilization: First Peloponnesian War - Athens, Spartan, Reason, and Politics

1 year ago

The First Peloponnesian War (460-445 BC) was a war fought between the city-state of Athens, which led the Delian League, and the Peloponnesian League, led by Sparta.
The war began as a result of growing tensions between Athens and the other city-states of Greece, particularly the Peloponnesian League led by Sparta. Athens had grown powerful and wealthy as the leader of the Delian League, a maritime alliance of city-states that paid tribute to Athens for protection against Persian invasion. The other city-states, particularly Sparta, saw Athens' power and wealth as a threat to their own autonomy.
The war was fought primarily on land in central Greece and on the island of Euboea, with both sides suffering significant losses. The war ended in a stalemate, with both sides agreeing to the Thirty Years Peace treaty in 445 BC. This treaty established a balance of power between Athens and Sparta, and effectively ended the war.
However, the treaty was not able to resolve the underlying issues that had caused the war, and the two sides continued to build their military power in preparation for the inevitable Second Peloponnesian War, which broke out in 431 BC.

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