Receive Unexpected Money - 10 Minute Miracle Manifestation

1 year ago


❤️ To Learn How To Be A Money Magnet & Attract Wealth...Go Here Now:

Do you desire to receive unexpected money that can change your life? This #affirmationbooster could help you with the #lawofattraction and #manifestingmiracles ! #affirmations #subliminalbooster #subliminal

The powerful hidden suggestions easily bypass your conscious resistance and tap into the only level that allows you to create a tremendous change – your subconscious mind.

Once your limiting beliefs are removed, there’s nothing that can stop you. #liveyourdreamlife

Create the life you deserve fast with minimal effort. Listen to this 10 minute Subliminal Results formula over and over and you could be amazed by the results you will get.

Headphones are optional unless stated within the description. Consistency and repetition are two major keys to physically rewire the neural paths of your brain and succeed in this process.

For example, you want to become a millionaire. You know your goal, but maybe it seems too far off in the distance, too improbable or too unattainable for an everyday person like you to reach.

You can become a #millionaire — and it has nothing to do with your family’s money or your education. It has everything to do with YOU. You can attract everything you desire with your own mind/subconscious by being a #moneymagnet if you choose.

Affirmations include -

Unexpected Wealth floats around me daily.
Everyday I am becoming richer and richer
Unexpected Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.
Unexpected Wealth constantly flows into my life.
I am getting subliminal results right now at this moment!
I am noticing amazing subliminal results right now at this moment!
I am getting super fast results by listening to these hidden affirmations!
I am receiving all of these subliminal affirmations straight into my subconscious mind.
My actions create constant unexpected wealth, prosperity, and abundance.
I am aligned with the energy of unexpected wealth and abundance.
I am a magnet for unexpected money.
Unexpected Prosperity is drawn to me.
I have a wealth mindset.
I’m open and receptive to all the unexpected wealth life offers me.
I am wealthy.
I always have more than enough money.
I attract unexpected money to me.
I feel marvelous as a rich person.
Unexpected wealth is pouring into my life.
Large amounts of unexpected money is coming to me in ever increasing amounts.
I am noticing results right now at this moment!
I am seeing results right now at this moment!
I am amazed by the results in right now at this moment!
I am feeling the results right now at this moment!
I love my new subliminal results!
I am grateful for everything that I receive.
Today I am attracting unexpected wealth, abundance, and wellbeing.
My wallet and bank balance is overflowing with money.
My wealth shines from within me.
I create an avalanche of financial abundance, and I give back in amazing ways.
I release every block that held me back from receiving unexpected prosperity.
Unexpected Wealth flows to me from all directions.
I’m financially abundant, and money comes to me naturally.
I allow myself to be drenched with financial abundance always, and I generously share my wealth.
Unexpected riches flow through me like waves in the ocean and come back again.
I only think thoughts of wealth and abundance.
I am a wealthy entrepreneur who is living life on my own terms.
I radiate wealth, abundance, and prosperity.
My riches are forever increasing as I give more of myself in service to the world.
This subliminal affirmations booster works great on me!
and much much more!

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All content contained in these videos have the Creative Commons Attribution license OR are entirely my personal knowledge, experience & opinion and are intended for personal development purposes only. These videos and information are not to be taken as medical advice but as spiritual information. I am not, and do not claim to be a medical doctor, therapist or licensed mental health professional. If you have a health problem, please see a doctor or other appropriate professional. Any information received here should not be used in place of professional medical and/or psychological treatment. You alone are responsible for any of your choices, your decisions and your actions in life. Any use of information included in any of my videos is to be followed at your own risk and know that you are responsible for what you do with the information you choose to receive from this video or any of my material.

All content is for entertainment purposes only and those under the age of 18 should not use this site except with adult supervision.

Wishing you a life filled with an abundance of happiness, love, good health and wealth!

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