Mon Amie Le Rose - Francoise Hardy

1 year ago

English Translation:
We are very little
And my friend the rose
Told me this morning.

To laurore I'm born
Baptised of dewee
I fainted
Happy and in love
To the sun's Rays
Shut me down at night
I woke up old
Yet I was very beautiful
Yes I was the most beautiful
Flowers from your garden

We are very little
And my friend the rose
Told me this morning.

See the God who made me
Makes me bow my head
And I feel like I'm falling
And I feel like I'm falling
My heart is almost naked
I have my foot in the grave
I'm no longer
You'd love yesterday.
And I'll be dusty
Forever tomorrow

We are very little
And my friend the rose

Died this morning.
The moon tonight
A watch my friend
I dream I've seen
Dazzling and naked
Her soul dancing
Beyond the sky
And smiling at me
Believe the one who can believe
I need hope.
Otherwise I'm nothing
Or so little
This is my friend the rose
Who said it yesterday morning

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