The truth about the chinese spy balloon. If you believe this was abnormal you need study

1 year ago

Study this material until you understand it is the reality you have been living under for a long time now. If you believe it was possible for it to be illegal for anyone to spy on the united states with overhead flights you have not been educated on the laws that have been passed by your own congress senate and presidents of the past 75 years. They are all complicit with this treason. They never once told you about any of this. I wonder why.,

full expose of the open spies treaty

This is the full playlist. If you do listen to this keep in mind its kind of boring to start with. The time of 1945 to 1961 was very boring in terms of the laws that were passed to set this world government up. After you get to hour 3 it gets a whole lot less boring to listen to and becomes quite enlightening

I will have to post more links later in support. I gotta clean up a bunch of my videos and write timestamps.

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