Understanding the Purpose Behind the Tree of Knowledge

2 years ago

We cover the prophetic Hebrew hidden picture behind the "surely die" English words to the Hebrew superlative "moot, moot". We discuss the purpose behind the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil, and we just scratch the surface. This will have a second part but it is well worth listening to. The tea of choice today was Garcinia Cambogia, I completely botched the name but that is the name if you are interested in looking it up.
This should go without saying but in today's world it is essential to do so, any product that I share is not an endorsement, I have no sponsors, but should that change I will certainly let you know. I am not promoting or suggesting that you take this for any reason including medical to treat, diagnose, or cure any disease or issue. Every individual should be fully persuaded based on their own personal research concerning anything they take or choose to do.

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