Are You Getting Paid for #RadioAirplay?

1 year ago


This month we want fans of music to program our radio station ran by the blind and disabled, go to events at #, we are also looking for song writers for our upcoming rewrite of "#EvenMe, #TheMovie," about two blind guys starting a band!
Give KINV-DB Innervision FM feedback, subscribe, share and like; and donate:
Allen and Johnnie J. will talk about many topics you can join us on Zoom/Many Social Sites live three days a week.
1,705 of you have ask me, “How can I support Innervision' Nonprofit & radio shows? “#KINV-DBInnervision FM, you can tip us $5, $10, or $100 at; Cash App $innervisionJ And join us on zoom
#Johnnie J. #Allen C, Monday through Wednesday 9:00am to 9:30am MT, follow us and give us a thumbs up!

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