MMK Ep. 12: The Ups and Downs of Relationships

2 years ago

The fellas (Cosmic Proof, Tokyo, One Race and Cairo) converse about online dating, the ups, downs, ins and outs of relationships and more! The Kings dig deep into conversation and have fun at the same time. Let us know what you think about the show!


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Rumble: Mighty Misfit Kings


We have our dinner all lined out and we're just being us!

Drinks: B***S*** Session

Appetizer: Online Dating

Entrée: Ups and Downs of Relationships

Dessert: Is it worth getting married in modern society

Pay the Tab: Promotion of the Kings' solo projects


Huge shout out to Kansas City's own Sundae the Sabbath Day for the "Drinks" music intro!

Check out the hot video "Get It" by Sundae on YouTube:

Check out Sundae's website at


We talk a lot about the boys of BPT (Justin, Jon, Jeremy and Lonnie).

After listening to our episode, go check out the guys of The Boundless Podtrap!

You'll be glad you did:


We have Merch!

Go to - for MMK Misfit Merch!

Tag us with #mmkpodcast with a picture of your MMK Gear


Audio Equipment : Zoom Podtrak 8, Neewer NW-800 Microphones

Video Equipment: Livepro L1 Video Switcher, Sony cameras, Touch Portal

Streaming Broadcast Software: OBS Studio

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