William Branham's Race War Prophecy

1 year ago

End-of-Days Race War Prophecy

In the 1950s and 1960s, many people were familiar with William Branham’s “Serpent’s Seed” doctrine and End-of-Days prediction. So much so that the End-of-Days became a theme throughout the Latter Rain Movement and its many splinter groups.

Though William Branham had removed the words “black” and “jew” from most of his statements describing these doctrines, those familiar with the work of Gerald Winrod, Wesley Swift, and others, recognized the key elements of Branham’s doctrines. Like Winrod, Branham was simply re-packaging the doctrines of white supremacy leaders, exchanging the words “jew” for “communist” and words like “mongrel” or “hybrid” for “black”.

When speaking to key churches in the movement, however, Branham openly described the coming Race War between blacks and whites. Key figures in Branham’s cult of personality, such as Raymond Jackson, continued these themes long after Branham’s death. You won’t find them on many recordings or transcripts however — as Branham became more descriptive, there are splices in the recordings with “[blank.spot.on.tape]”.

You will, however, find instances that Branham’s editing team missed when they were “blank spotting” the recordings. At his Branham Tabernacle in Jeffersonville in June 1963, for example, Branham issued a prophecy that the “white and colored will fight again”, just as Hitler did with the Jews.

This prophecy, fully aligned with the white supremacists of the era, is one that you won’t find mentioned in the cult’s marketing material.

You can learn this and more on william-branham.org

Race War Prophecy:

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