Convoy to Canberra Arriving at Camp Epic

1 year ago

7th February 2022 — ONE YEAR AGO TODAY!

We arrived at Camp Epic in Canberra leading a convoy of about thirty vehicles! We were all so excited. We had no idea where we were going and I was leading the convoy. 😂 It seemed like our convoy grew at every servo and fruit stand on the way to Canberra. In my vehicle were Charles, Josiah and friend, Jed. Directly behind us was our mate Daryl who we set off with from Brisbane.

The welcome at Epic was unforgettable. It took us about ten minutes to find a campsite and we were cheered the whole way. At a time when the unvaccinated were being shunned and segregated by family, friends, colleagues, businesses, churches, and the community generally, we found our true blue Aussie freedom tribe in Canberra.

We entered another world...

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Love you all. Keep the faith. We win.

Dylan Oakley

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