The West and the US Are The Same As The Rest

1 year ago

Just some years ago, People in the West particularity in the USA often, if not always, condescendingly ridiculed with contempt China and the Chinese as stupidly and blindly obedient sub-human creatures. Look at them now!
They were lied to right and straight in their faces! But they laughed and clapped their hands applauding while the whole world had been “breathing easy” for months now, still except China of course!
The fact that the shill himself was talking to his sheeple audience and joking about them without even wearing his facial diaper while the sheeple audience had to wear the damn diapers speaks volume about the USA today!
-Still boasting about the land of the free and the home of the brave!
To be “fair”, the whole planet Earth is now full of muzzled and clotshot sheeple everywhere except a very minority that still remains pure blood human beings scattering thinly around the world!
When it comes to stupidity, cowardice, evilness and all of human ingenuity, the West and the US are the same as the Rest!

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