Our Stolen Data has led to Psychological Warfare Against US and Our Kids

1 year ago

So it seems we have a correlation that is beginning to be seen now.
For so many years of big tech and big gov data mining the population (you and I)
That it now seems apparent that they are using that data to run a Psychological operation on many of us and our kids. Transexuals now appeal to kids and adults will take as many shots in the arm as they are told they need by the government. SO why is this? Well, when everyone is trapped in a media mind control apparatus it appears people really do believe what they are told by the controlling class, even if it harms and totally ruins people's lives. Let's make a pack to turn off the MSM and the Television Entertainment and maybe even set very limited time to be on the computer because us being on the computer allows us to be data mined and in turn that data is now being used to manipulate people. So the more we are on our screens, the more we are data mined, and the more we are controlled. Surely we now know that real life frankenstiens do exist and they really are Psycho's and do not value life as most people do.

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