Pride Fighting Championships 1 Review - Rickson Gracie fights another Japanese doof!

2 years ago

This ancient review of Pride FC #1 was done way back at the end of 2015. It was blocked on Youtube (by UFC), and has only been seen on Bitchute.

Anyway, Nobuhiko Takada thought he really could take on Rickson Gracie in a real sanctioned mixed martial arts fight. He's not too bright. I think him "sucker" kicking Koji Kitao in the head during a "shoot" fight (when Koji was led to believe the fight would only be a work) went to... well, his own head. It's easy to "sucker" kick a big dumb doof like Kitao (who's IQ over 90 is questionable). Not so easy to even stand for more than 10 seconds against a legit fighter like Rickson.

Say what you will about Rickson.... he only fought when he knew he would win... never fought anyone great (save for Funaki, who had a million miles on his body and was quickly looking for another career in pro wrestling), most of his pro fights were against amateur's. Uhh... What was my point? Oh yeah, say what you will about Rickson, he was still a highly trained grappler who would make you tap with no remorse.


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