Dr. Meryl Nass: End of Covid Emergency, Annual Shots, and Government Malfeasance

2 years ago

The Covid national and public health emergencies are coming to an end, but the federal government will not be recalling Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of experimental drugs, devices, and vaccines. That means that pharmaceutical companies remain shielded from any legal liability for injuries and deaths caused by these products. Simultaneously, healthcare regulators are moving to make Covid shots part of the annual vaccination routine for the majority of Americans.

In this interview with The New American, Dr. Meryl Nass provides a historic background of how the Western government embraced the strategy of deploying poorly tested vaccines during "public health emergencies" and how every time a considerable number of people suffered adverse effects that were never detected prior to the rollouts. The doctor then describes the criminal government malfeasance with regard to Covid vaccines and boosters and reveals that thanks to the nifty language, apparently hidden in the 4,155-page Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 (Omnibus spending bill) passed in December 2022, the unlicensed biological products for Covid will be allowed to stay on the market. The FDA officially declared that it would continue to issue Covid-related EUAs.


Please follow Dr. Mery Nass on Substack at https://merylnass.substack.com/ and Children’s Health Defense at https://childrenshealthdefense.org/authors/meryl-nass-md/

For more great content, visit www.TheNewAmerican.com

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