Udo Erasmus, Is Seed Oil Good or Bad For Human Health

1 year ago

Episode 154 - Health Heroes! This is a very exciting episode to share with you because their has been a lot of chatter on social media and through the different health communities out there talking about how seed oils are bad. When I first noticed this I thought to myself… “that depends”. I am fairly knowledgeable on oils and the processing of oils but I thought it would be a great idea to bring in a specialist so that I could brush up on my knowledge base and clear up any misconceptions in regards to any type of oils the working class people are ingesting. Udo Eramus learned how to extract oils the proper way back in the 1980’s and he has built a worldwide brand called Udo’s Choice Oils that you can find in the refrigerator section in many health food stores. (The one I am particularly interested in is the 3-6-9 Blend to add to my health routine) Udo takes us from soil to plate as we learn what oils are not good for human health and also which ones are. With all the oils out there in the marketplace finding their way into our bodies, I believe this educational sharing is essential to make the proper choices for your health. Thank you for listening, please subscribe and share this podcast if you like the content and think it could benefit someone you know. Love & Light -Coach Tim.

If you want to get Udo’s amazing 3-6-9 Oil Blend go to:

Tim’s Favorite, HIGHEST QUALITY Health Product Recommendations:

Best Detox & Nutrition Supplements: https://www.chemicalfreebody.com/

Best Hydrogen Machine: Tim’s personal unit - CLICK HERE

Best Infrared Saunas & Healing Lamps: Tim’s personal unit - Save $100 CLICK HERE

Water Purification/Restructuring System: Book FREE Consult CLICK HERE

Best Home Air Purification Unit : Tim’s personal unit CLICK HERE

Best Non Toxic Home Building Materials: CLICK HERE

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