The Pelican Power Animal

10 months ago
Hello friends and welcome to the world of power animals. Today we’ll look at the pelican. There are 8 species of pelicans which are well-known for their long beak and large throat pouches. These large birds and are found near inland and coast waterways. They adaptable strong swimmers that like to float. They glide high on thermal currents as they have keen eyesight to locate fish from high above. The brown pelicans capture fish by a high dive from the air, while the white pelicans drive their prey into shallow areas where they are scooped up. White-plumaged pelicans tend to nest on the ground, while the brown or grey-plumaged ones nest mainly in trees. They’re long lived and like to return to the same nesting grounds to breed with the same partner every year and share the same parental duties. The graceful pelicans often fly in V formation with each one knowing their place. They’re adept at gliding and soaring with precision and control. In fact, they’re excellent long-distant travelers.

The curious and compassionate pelican enjoys the social company of other birds. They’re calm, community minded, and highly intuitive. The confident pelican is a symbol of care, cooperation, and self-sacrifice. Call on the spirit of the pelican when you need a tried-and-true friend and want to find peace in your life. Visit our website for a free power animal reading to find which animals resonate with your character. Spirit animals are real and they support us if you just ask. Thank you for watching and have a great day.

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