World Conservation Bank 1980's - Agenda21 right on target 2015

1 year ago

This video is 'rescued' from Y Tube (One I made earlier) as is the following description:
252 views May 16, 2015
Brasscheck TV sent this video around the net. In case you missed it, here is chance to hear the plans for the AGENDA21 taking control of the wilderness areas (and the vast wealth of minerals etc. they contain) This is just one aspect of Agenda21. This video was 'Recorded Nov. 15, 1988' and here in 2015 we are seeing those plans rolled our right on target. Many of the aims of Agenda 21 are put forward under the guise of necessity to ward of the much discredited 'global warming' claims. If you wish to debate the Climate hoax please be advised that I can be as be as narrow minded as the Climate Scare cult followers, and will not host that debate on this site. I do not have the time to moderate the verbal abuse that is usually forthcoming from such groups. Thank you kindly! (If by the way you support Eugenics as the puppet masters (Banksters) do, please be the first to volunteer and please be aware that Rothschild who is now 99 yrs old has just had his 3rd heart transplant. Good luck getting your grandparents life saving treatment after 75yrs old - and good luck getting treatment yourself when YOU reach 75yrs.
Disclaimer: The makers of this video do not necessarily agree with its content. It is offered for education and information.

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