Weekly Crypto Recap: Bitfinex tether coverup, Govt crypto surveillance, and more!

5 years ago

Australian taxation office cracks down on crypto users

Wash trading exposed in new report

Fidelity released survey of 400 US institutional investors:
- 22% already have exposure to digital assets
- 47% view digital assets as having a place in their portfolios.

Bitfinex commingling funds with Tether reserves: Bitfinex to launch $1billion token sale, Global Trading Solutions LLC suspected to be linked with bitfinex charges, Tether market peg stands strong

CFTC chair: “The Commission anticipates new applications for clearinghouse registration resulting from the explosion of interest in cryptocurrencies; an area in which protection of the cryptocurrencies will be one of the highest risks.”

Facebook Building Cryptocurrency-Based Payments System

Washington State recognizes blockchain records as legally valid and enforceable

Brave Browser reaches 1M monthly downloads

EOS REX (resource exchange) was launched meaning all voting EOS token holders can get passive income
EOS resources just got 95% cheaper for dapp developers

Smartcash sister coin Bitcoin Confidential launches
(More on Bitcoin Confidential here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Se42EJl0Vf4)

Japan to Provide G20 With Crypto Guidance

Btc goes back over 6000

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