Episode 5 The Clive Bird Experiment

1 year ago

A discussion "The Great Ideas of Philosophy" is a book written by Daniel Robinson, a distinguished professor of philosophy at Georgetown University. The book provides an overview of some of the most influential ideas in the field of philosophy, including the nature of reality, the meaning of life, and the concept of justice.​

My thoughts tend to agree with Aristotle and Socrates as I believe more people should become involved in politics. ​
A greater level of participation leads to more diverse perspectives and ideas being represented, leading to more equitable and inclusive decision-making without legislative enforcement like we are seeing today. ​
Secondly, when a larger proportion of the population is politically engaged, it increases the accountability of elected officials, as they are more likely to be held accountable for their actions. Currently nobody is holding our politician to account for upholding their political promises.​
Additionally, political involvement allows individuals to have a voice in shaping the policies that affect their lives, leading to greater engagement and satisfaction with the political process. ​
Finally, political involvement helps to foster a sense of community and shared responsibility for the well-being of society. By becoming involved in politics, individuals can work together towards a common goal, promoting a sense of unity and collective purpose. In short, political involvement by a broader cross-section of society leads to a more representative, accountable, and engaged political system.​

A discussion on one of the darkest aspects of the ideology of the WEF is its long-time focus on “overpopulation.” Many at the WEF believe that there are too many people on the planet, and that population growth must be curbed or reversed.

A look into the alarming amount of visits the UK public are making to GP's how much just a small minority of the country are eating away at the NHS budget and discuss a few ideas on how this trend can be reversed and rectified to make the NHS better.
Lastly a look into taking ownership of our own health this week I discuss intermittent fasting and the amazing benefits it has on our bodies and the environment.

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