CONNOR BEATON | Acquainted with Our Anger

1 year ago

Anger issues are something a lot of us, as men, deal with – more than would like to admit. And, while most of us are pretty good at disguising our anger, frustration, and resentment, all too often, it’s lying just under the surface ready to expose itself to some unexpecting victim – usually the ones we love most.

I’m joined by my friend, Connor Beaton, author of his newest book Men’s Work: A Practical Guide to Face Your Darkness, End Self-Sabotage, and Find Freedom. Today, we discuss what he calls “dysregulated” or erratic behavior and how to reign it in, overcoming the shadow of our fathers, the danger of self-abusive relationships, and why and how we need to become acquainted with our anger.


* How to get the most out of yourself
* We are often the ones standing in our own way
* Understanding your anger
* Its ok to take care of yourself
* We don’t need to try to solve people’s problems
* Building a healthy relationship with Anger
* What is hidden in the father will be revealed in the son
* You can’t be a rock when you are searching for the approval of others
* Men must develop the skill of self-validation
* The role of God and faith
* Four steps for working through anger

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