WHY BIG OIL CONQUERED THE WORLD - The Totalitarian Tyrannical Corporate Control Grid of the Private 'Globalist' Crime Syndicate's Population Control New World Order

1 year ago

ANOTHER ABSOLUTE MUST WATCH, if you want to understand the hows and whys of the, health & life harming, detrimental technocrat control grid that is built around our lives, today.

"And.., without the public even noticing it, the oiligarchs were able to wrap themselves in this new flag, to appear not as the Billionair zions of the oil industry, who made their vast fortunes by plundering the earth and monopolizing its wealth, but as crusading environmentalists, who are going to save the planet from the.., "cannon fother", that, unfortunately, populates the earth."
"And even today.., the masses.., outraged over the carnage that big oil has wrought, are content to have that outrage directed by the very oligarchs they seek to oppose, the same oiligarchs who are quietly funding, and supporting their environmental movement from behind the scenes, and even leading it from the front. The Rockefeller family made headlines by divesting from oil completely in 2016.”
"David Rothschild is one of the photogenic leading lights of the environmental movement. Dubbed the plastic Jesus for his publicity stunts and photo opportunities masquerading as a concerned environmentalist. David Rothschild, a Zion of the Billionaire banking family that added to its fortune with its Azerbaijani oil field holdings, and still invests in oil, through ventures like Genie Energy, now spends his time lecturing the public about how their lifestyles are killing the polar bears."
"The oiligarchs, shielded behind their smoke screen of sustainable development and post-carbon economy, are closer than ever before, to achieve their true goal, of total control. But if the people perish from lack of knowledge of this agenda, then understanding is the first step toward the solution."
~ Narrator James Corbett

Oil. The 19th century was transformed by it. The 20th century was shaped by it. And the 21st century is moving beyond it. But who gave birth to the oil industry? What have they done with the immense wealth and power that it has granted them? And what are they planning to do with that power in a post-carbon world? This is the remarkable true story of the oiligarchs and the world they have created. How our reality of today came about.

Full, hyperlinked transcript of this documentary:

🎥 Watch Part 1:

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