Tickle time Chicken Puncher!! American dad! season 19

1 year ago

seth MacFarlane - Roger, Stan Smith
Wendy Schaal - Francine Smith
Scott Grimes - Steve Smith
Rachael MacFarlane - Hayley Smith
Dee Bradley Baker - Klaus Heissler
episode 2 dressed down
When Stan is invited to a barbecue party at Bullock's, he has to face dressing casual instead of his usual suit. He decides to wear his suit anyways and passes out from the heat, embarrassing himself. After discussing his issues with Roger when he needs to prepare for a different casual party, the latter breaks out a designer persona of his and sets him up where he finds success in his new clothes, both in his personal life and at work, but leaves Roger hanging when he promises to celebrate with him. When Roger lets him know that his feelings are hurt, Stan pledges to spend more time with him, but keeps breaking his promise. When Stan offers to pay Roger for the outfits to get him off his back, Roger takes offense and and burns the clothing. Stan tries store-bought clothes, but fails to find success in them as before. After Klaus has cross words with Roger for abandoning Stan, as Bullock had reinstated the dress code at work again, he tries to help by creating a mismatched suit. When that fails, Roger helps him back into a version of his old suit, which reinstates his usual confidence at work again. Roger purposely makes it vague whether he can create outfits or not, but Stan's new suit has two personalized patches from Roger's persona.
Meanwhile, when Hayley discovers the family's eggs come from an abusive farm, she decides to raise her own chickens. However, the chickens are aggressive towards Jeff and Francine complains about the mess, so Hayley tries to move them to their own room. The chickens soon take over the room, forcing them out, as well as stealing their van, as Francine tries to convince Hayley to give up on her project and admit she couldn't do it. When Hayley and Jeff finally get some eggs out of the chickens, they find most of them have become partial embryos or otherwise contaminated. Trying to avoid admitting failure to Francine, Hayley allows her to make an omelette out of the eggs, which promptly makes her sick, while Jeff is attacked by an embryonic chicken

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