God Wants to Reveal Himself to You

1 year ago

God Wants to Reveal Himself to You

By Pastor Gary Wayne

Text: 1 Samuel 16:6-7, 13, Exodus 6:3, Jeremiah 29:11-14a
God likes to play hide and seek. He loves to be found.

But I think He hides various aspects of Himself for me to find only when I truly seek Him.

I find this verse interesting in that God wanted to reveal to Moses a part of Himself that He had not shown the founding fathers.

The main point I want you to take away from this time in the word is that God reveals Himself to those who WANT Him.

You have probably heard this in different ways – you were not made to be normal, to fit in, to be like other people. You were created by God to be exceptional!

TRUTH – You have been hand fashioned by God for this exact time in history.
Strategically placed where you are “for such a time as this” – You were built by design.

He wants you to listen to His truth about you and respond to His voice.
But the desire to fit in is so strong that when we don’t – which most don’t – we often feel rejected instead of called.

And instead of having the identity God is trying to communicate to us, we pick up a false identity by the things around us.

When the enemy can’t change the way you think about God, his next step is to try and change the way you think about yourself.

Did you know that most people when they look in a mirror are not looking for what is right, but what is wrong.

What’s wrong with my hair that I can fix? Is there a new pimple? Etc.
Most of the time, when I begin to ponder who I am, I come out discouraged.
UNLESS it is in light of God’s truth.

When the spies came back from looking at the land of promise, their problem wasn’t the giants in the land, it was the grasshoppers in their head!
Nu 13:33 "There we saw the giants and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight." The giants didn’t call the spies grasshoppers, they called themselves that.

Many of the people God called in scripture had a wrong view of themselves.
Moses – I can’t because I studder. After all, he was 80 years old!
Gideon – I can’t because I’m the weakest tribe.
Jeremiah – I can’t because I’m too young and inexperienced.

They didn’t think they could because they were comparing themselves to other people.

They didn’t agree or understand or believe what God said about them – based on their experience or understanding.

When Samuel went to Jesse’s house to anointed David to be king, what was Samuel looking at?
1Sa 16:6-7, 13

Then what happened in David’s life?
Even though David was now anointed to be king, Samuel left him behind to live in the mundane. To go back out into the field and tend sheep.

I think it was during that time that God wanted to work in David what it was like to carry the anointing of God in an everyday life.

The anointing wasn't just for the big things. That anointing was for everyday life as well. Sometimes when we don't see big things happen, we questioned whether or not we were actually called. Hath God said?

It was in the mundane lifestyle the David learned how to worship. When his parents were not treating him special, … like he was the future king.
Living mundane life herding sheep sleeping out in the field uncomfortable situations while the whole time he was called to be a king.

David learned in those times to worship. David learned in those times to sing unto the lord. David learned in those times have a confidence in God so that when he faced Goliath, he wasn't intimidated by what everybody else saw.
It was in that time in his life that God revealed to David parts of Himself.

Mt 5:6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled.
{From where? Right where you are at NOW.}
De 4:29 "But from there… you will seek the LORD your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul.
Jer 29:13 And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.
14 I will be found by you, says the LORD.

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