2018032501 Mat.7:23,deception,fear of the Lord,intimacy vs. power,Gods word a weapon, hiding place

2 years ago

worship,First century church,Mat.7:23,deception that exhibiting Gods power is proof of relationship, the slippery slope of erosion,Revival common preaching components:holiness, hell/heaven and fear of the Lord(Fear of Gods Presence),working out our salvation with fear & trembling, violent Spirit of Repentance,vision of spiritual midnight revival,underground church, Gods Word is a weapon, disciple is disciplined, talmidim, dust of the Rabbi, Gods powere is in his Word, Satans stategies of redefining Gods Word, walking by faith than sight(Satans world),Torah means to shoot-to aim, Sword Training testimony-training in heaven,situational awareness,psalm 119:105 lamp not searchlight, intimacy,10 virgins-purchase oil prophetic word,Christian in Complete Armor-Gurnall,reformation than information, review last week 20180311, idols,defn of a curse(Gen 12:3),sun worshiper (Egyptians/Romans)philosophy of Western society,canabal giants coming and CERN,sabbath importance to Abiding, watch Prophetable Word-The Kingdom:Peace on this channel,Gods glory changes us, Aliyah-Return to the land, Be willing and God makes you able,Gods ways, Armaggeddon means Valley of Decision

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Also please watch this movie about the importance now of the Jewish Wedding Feast..I actually have taught on this https://youtu.be/DoLnzn4DaY0?si=HsJoz7vZ0pQVqBAq
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