Top suppressor metered on the 16" 556??

5 years ago

Todays video marks the last video in our series of Suppressor Showdown from this metering event! Who is top dog on the 16" ar15 with a standard gas block? Take a peek at the data gathered inside to find out! We hope to continue to have many more range days and comparison videos coming with more manufacturers coming on board. Huge thank you as always goes out to the guys at Hansohn Brothers who not only bend over backwards to serve their customers but have taken it another step by serving as a third party for number gathering for the public eye. They took another huge step in this today by investing in the latest sound testing equipment called the Pulse meter! Many good things to come God willing! Thanks for watching and the massive show of support for everyone! Don’t forget to enter the giveaway on the 300bo suppressor showdown!!

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