if i were to explain the internet: amazing potential but...

1 year ago

forgive me if the camcorder starts shaking
sucking in the willing participants
love but mainly hate towards the internet
i've been staying in this lane
get off the road, you have a vagina (i can only assume)
he could smell this menstrual blood haha
the five oh just made an appearance
if you don't use the internet rightthere will be at least 25 bear traps
God put cannabis on the planet specifically for conspiracy theorists
everybody is an actor
ronnit is the only bitch i trust
what is anti-semitism
not practicing hasidic jews that run the media
whenever Judgment Day hits, it's really gonna fuckin hit
gave joey goodsong one of my "jokes"
this was a really good joke tho
there doesn't need to be room for this conversation
no point in attempting to educate people that don't care
i was so mad that i fucked up this joke
my struggle was evident
if i wasn't a schizo on the outside i'd have 15 kids
envisualize sounds like a new drug
of course it's gonna be a fun mic (it's @ a weed bar)
major chill out energy @ a weed bar, can you believe it

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