CZ SP-01 Shadow Target - Front Range IDPA Match on 11.12.16

1 year ago

Shooting the CZ SP-01 Shadow Target at the Front Range IDPA Match! Love the pistol and highly recommend this group of folks to shoot with - they are excellent folks and incredible shooters!

Here are my times in the order of the video (as it was shot):

Stage 3 (Down the Alley)
Raw Time: 14:76
Points Down: 2
Total Time: 15:76

Stage 4 (It Places the Pizza on the Table...)
Raw Time: 18:81
Points Down: 4
Total Time: 20:81

Stage 1 (A Friend in Need)
Raw Time: 25:18
Points Down: 4
Penalty: 3 (failed to drag the dummy to the gravel :()
Total Time: 32:18

Stage 2 (The Light Gets in your Eyes)
Raw Time: 24:35
Points Down: 1
Total Time: 24:85

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