1 year ago

EDIT: I’m aware of the vision of St Hubertus that Jäegermeister base their logo on. Please see our previous video that touched on the Aleph / Tav symbolism. However, this video is to expose the deception of the one who poses as God but is actually Antichrist. The philosophy of this propaganda is Babel.
I have to cut out some of the narration due to length of video.

This video will show you the agenda that is unfolding and how to avoid falling into the big deception that will unfold, according to ancient prophecy.

There is only one way to be saved. That is through Jesus Christ. As you see in this video, it is always about inverting and blaspheming Jesus. That is for a reason. He is the Truth, and this agenda is of the anti Christ.

We are in a spiritual battle.

Recognise you are a personal sinner and are separated from a Holy God by your sin. Call upon the Lord Jesus Christ to save you by His death on the cross and resurrection from the grave. Repent and put your trust in Him for your salvation, before it’s too late!

For believers, a time is coming according to the Bible, that things will get increasingly difficult. Let’s prepare ourselves and count the cost of following Christ. He is more than worth it!

2 Timothy 3:12
Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution


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