Insights: TOLA Shani Crimson Worm in Psalms 22 verse 6.

1 year ago

This is a deep teaching based on the word Tola'at (תוֹלַ֣עַת) as contained in Psalms 22:6.

Psalms 22, verse 6 in Biblical Hebrew:

וְאָנֹכִי תוֹלַעַת וְלֹא־אִישׁ חֶרְפַּת אָדָם וּבְזוּי עָם

Psalms 22:6 in English, NASB:
But I am a worm and not a person, A disgrace of mankind and despised by the people.

That word Tola'at stems from the word tola/תּוֹלָע which is from Strong's Hebrew #8438.

If one glances over this word, they might not pick up the deep insights as contained in this word.

But as a friend states after watching this video, "It is always interesting to find something else in nature that relates to something in the Bible. Intricately designed so that it all point to Jesus. There is no excuse for anyone NOT to believe in Yeshua the Messiah. May His Name be praised forever more".

To those who are Christians, I pray that this video will strengthen your faith in ABBA FATHER, His Son Yeshua and the accuracy of the Word of Elohim.

To those whom I send this video who has no response, I pray that your faith will grow. You got to stop drinking milk, and STOP going to churches that preaches basic seeker friendly sermons week after week.

To pre believers and those who are seeking, I pray that you will find HIM whom I call SAVIOR, LORD, FRIEND, & COVENANT PARTNER.

And if you are a seeking Jewish person, I pray that haSHEM will break that partial blindness, and restore your sight so you can embrace the MASHIACH you never knew, that Savior spoken about in Isaiah 53, who was also despised as described in Psalms 22:6.

Friends, HE is worth your everything. Seek Him, get to know HIM, enter into a covenant with him, live a life of OBEDIENCE to Him. Don't worry about tomorrow, and what you will eat, drink.

His promise is that "seek ye first the Kingdom of God". Put Him first. Seek Him, and learn from Him. Drink from His Word.

If you have understood this video, you are blessed, just like many others! Another friend remarked, "God's amazing revelation through His Creation. Praise & honor to our LORD who reigns forever. Thanks, for teaching, bro. Without the teaching, it makes no sense".

In conclusion, let me say this: this Creator God is so awesome HE's left His signature everywhere (like Rembrandt):

a) In our human DNA, at the sulfuric bridges that connects our DNA amino acids together (YHWH);

b) in nature, as you can see from this video, even in the Tola worm (coccus ilicis in the Latin, or the modern name of Kermes vermilio)

c) in the "untranslatable" word in the Old Testament, i.e. the word ET/את.

May you be blessed through the viewing of this video, and may you find Him as you seek Him.

Ask and you shall be given;
seek and you will find.
Knock, and the door will be open to you!

Maranatha, even so, come LORD Yeshua!

I look forward to welcoming many of my old class mates, friends, and others whom I've never met to the family of GOD through the power contained in the unlocking of His Word as it is released through this teaching video.

Baruch haSHEM, blessings, & Le'Chayyim!

David Kam, CTM, RN, B.Sc., MBA, GCD.
Lead facilitator: TAVTEACH.
Founder: TAV Ministries WA, Inc.

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