Vote CRAP - a party political propaganda presentation

1 year ago

Party Political Broadcast on behalf of CRAP - Communist Rainbow Alliance Party

Hello, my name is Nabil Shaban. I am a Communist. I believe everyone should have equal access to wealth, and that all our resources should be shared.

Unfortunately, today the Capitalist global media has succeeded in brainwashing most people into thinking Communism is a dirty word.

And yet, in fact, it is Capitalism which is destroying the planet. Consumerism which fuels Capitalism, is an insatiable parasite that is devouring our world to extinction.

And it’s exactly the idea of making things affordable for everyone that’s keeping people poor.

The right-wing governments, and supermarkets and mass media, everything keeps telling us we’re all becoming more prosperous, that more people than ever can afford a washing machine and a colour telly and cheap holidays on Ryanair; watch any advert on TV and it’ll tell you that everyone has a right to have anything they want, whenever they want it, for cheap and affordable prices.

But if that’s so, why is it that the gap between Rich and Poor has got wider, and keeps getting wider and wider?

You know, the richest one percent of the world’s population own 48% of the wealth. By the end of this year, 2015, they will own 50%. That’s half. It is predicted that this 1% Super Rich elite will increase their share of the world’s wealth by 2% every year, so that in twenty years’ time - 2035, the one percent will own 90% of all wealth.

So you can see, everything the capitalist rulers, corporations and their mass media tell you is a massive lie. Capitalism’s democracy is an illusion. Think about it. Everywhere you look there are people who believe they have the power, no, the right, to make decisions that benefit a few privileged people, to make money. Supermarkets, banks, oil companies, arms manufacturers, you name it. And the rest of us, we’re dumb enough to believe them, and allow them to get away with this crime against humanity. And the worse thing is, most of you are brainwashed into actually wanting to be like them. Which is ridiculous, because these 1% have no intention of sharing their gigantic unequal slice of the cake with the rest of us. How much longer must we, the People, allow this injustice, these inequalities, this impoverishment to continue?

I am a Communist. And I believe everyone should have equal access to wealth, and that all our resources should be shared.

Communist Rainbow Alliance Party

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