Police Service Revolvers, Smith & Wesson Pt. 1 | HCF

2 years ago

Common notation is many Officers SOP Manuals 1900-1985, “the service revolver will be an American made Colt or Smith and Wesson 6 shot 38/357 revolver with 4 inch barrel, fixed sights, blue or black finish, grips either Black or brown. Only service ammunition, 38 Special 158 grain lead roundnose will be used. All private purchase revolvers will be inspected and approved by the armorer prior to use on duty. No further modifications will be made. Revolvers with 6 inch barrels or adjustable sights may be allowed for duty use if officer is involved in competitive shooting or SWAT team and approved by the Chief". Some departments allowed stainless steel and Rugers revolvers but most went traditional. Movement away from 158 grain round nose to hollowpoints will be discussed more in Part 2. The FBI Miami Shootout made a sea changes after 1986.

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S&W Military and Police, S&W Model 10, Combat Masterpiece, S&W 357 magnum, Highway Patrolman, US Air Police, 158 Grain police Load, FBI MIami Shootout, police service revolver, Second Model hand ejector, Police handguns, S&W M&P, Smith and Wesson Military and Police, S&W 38 special

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