Alternative Views - The CIA: On Company Business (Part 1)

2 years ago

The most comprehensive indictment of the Central Intelligence Agency is presented in this award-winning film by Allan Francovich.

The documentary, which took five years to research and produce, covers the CIA from all aspects: the policy level,the middle stratum organizations which are Agency fronts, the activities of the CIA field personnel and their agents, and the results of their efforts in the target countries and on the individuals involved. The film is so powerful, so densely packed with information, and so moving in its portrayal of the official duplicity and lying and in the brutality and the tragic consequences of CIA covert operations around the world, it is almost too disturbing to watch all three hours straight through.But the film is not a polemic; there is no narration; people,headlines and newsreels speak for themselves. Extensive interviews are presented with former CIA personnel at various levels of operation, including former heads of the CIA and others who are supportive of the Agency and those who are whistleblowers. Even some of the victims of CIA operations are presented. The first part of the documentary covers the origins of the CIA and the activities at the policy level, showing the manipulations and lies of the US government officials, and including various armed actions against countries such as Guatemala and Cuba, the assassination plots against various political leaders and the role of the Mafia with the CIA.

Produced Dec. 83
Copyright Aug. 1993

Usage Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United StatesCreative Commons Licensebyncsa

Topics Alternative Views, Alternative Information Network, progressive media, alternative media, public access television, Frank Morrow, Doug Kellner, Austin Community Television, CIA, documentary, Allan Francovich, interviews, agents, whistleblowers, Guatemala, Cuba, assassination, torture, corporations, Chile, Brazil, Ecuador, Angola, Iran, Church Committee, Mafia

Language English

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