China’s “Test Balloon” Exposes Dem’s Symbolic, Leftist Orchestrated Incompetence

1 year ago

Amateur Hour: While China Balloon Deflated on Coast, Biden Admin Exposed

Is incompetence the goal when the state decides to toss itself into self-created stormy seas, or just the unintended byproduct? Or, What do Democrats gain by failing to respond to the most elementary foreign incursions against America like a massive balloon lurking overhead taking exquisite pics of US defense? But now we’ve now seen the US shoot this spy balloon down. Yet, only after much citizen opposition against letting it float unimpeded over the USA.

It’s NOT a weather balloon, but a lower level spy ship sent to test Biden’s mettle. Then again, What did Biden gain by abandoning 1,000’s of Americans in Afghanistan and $80 billion in weapons to the Taliban? But we digress…

The Left is Being Mugged by Reality, Again – Bret Stephens

Such a dilatory government reaction allows China to celebrate American impotence. While here, leftists continue recreating their “America’s anti-myths”, teaching capitalistism is broken, the US a bad place, American willpower for self-defense exhausted. This is all meant to reveal we’ve no means or even rights of self-defense. It’s all an illusion. An unmistakable illustration of how American liberal internationalists want us to see ourselves passively waiting prone in a prison shower, cowering before the next assault.

Another aggravating factor is Biden’s administration refusing to communicate to US states that the balloon was headed their way or even floating over them. Montana’s governor Gregory Gianforte stated he had no idea this balloon was over his state, spying on the military’s famed IBM nuclear silos, without his knowledge. Instead, a photographer noticed it while at the airport and informed the government, as the governor stated he would have shot it down himself. Does Canada also have this problem?

Cloaking Device for Incompetence: Govt’s ‘Culture War’

One unnerving aspect of US leftists is their insistence that only the federal government itself has the authority to lead. But even more insulting – they insist only these elites have the intellectual ability to problem solve. Hence the fixation on the Ivy League. This modern neo-gnosticism, or priesthood of intellect – is highly dangerous. By itself, it dissolves democracy by occluding American decisions making, destroying our model of transparent government.

The Weakness & Incompetence of Today's American Government is Not an Accident

Consider, the US Founders gave us government by self-representation, detailed in Sacvan Bervovitch’s Rites of Assent. American Revolutionaries created the United States Constitution in 1787, ascribing a national legislature for directly elected reps every two years. Recall, the English Civil Wars of the 1650’s concluded by stating an English monarch can’t govern without Parliament's consent. Absolute monarchy ended with the Glorious Revolution’s Bill of Rights. John Locke himself destroyed the theory of the Divine Right of Kings promulgated by Filmer. But our representative government is disappearing as special interest woke samurais stalk the USA.

Obviously, as Biden & Co. Wills Itself to Failure, Global Sharks Smell Blood in Water

The Democrat party's Nancy Pelosi was creating all bills only out of her office without input, destroying representative government. But this information was not spread by the media. But transparency must be found both out of the government, and also inside it. What’s the answer? Republicanism – What is it?:
Republicanism is a theory emphasizing participation of citizens for the common good. Responsibilities & citizen duties are paramount. Exemplary citizens readily subordinate personal to public interests. Contrasted from liberalism, concerned primarily w/ personal & private rights of individuals, republicanism stresses public rights & obligations of citizens to cooperate in support of their community.
Essential characteristics of republicanism are beliefs or assumptions about the relationships of individuals, the community, and government, including the following:
Needs of community are considered superior to claims of the individual,
Citizens obligated to participate extensively & cooperatively in public affairs,
Common civic identity is primary over diverse and particular identities,
Political & civic unity valued more than diversity or pluralism in the community,
Citizens are equal in their duties, responsibilities, and rights,
Citizen Participation is key to govt accountability and personal fulfillment,
Popular sovereignty is the foundation of good government,
Good government carries out the general will of the people,
All citizens are capable of self-rule & civic virtue & are obligated to cultivate it,
Good republican government depends on continuous civic/political participation of virtuous citizens.
The history of Republicanism before America is fascinating. See Republicanism:

Republican virtue involves putting the public good, or interests of the state, above one’s own private interests. While this idea could be traced back well beyond Cicero, it was articulated particularly clearly by Montesquieu in the mid-18th century, who described virtue in a republic as ‘love of the homeland’ and insisted it wasn’t a moral or Christian virtue, but a ‘political virtue’. Often this notion of virtue was associated with the rule of reason and with being able to control one’s passions. Of course, these ideas were not exclusive to republicans. Frederick the Great of Prussia, for example, offered this assessment of good princely rule: ‘He is only the first servant of the state, who is obliged to act with probity and prudence; and to remain as totally disinterested as if he were each moment liable to render an account of his administrations to his fellow citizens.’

A Dire Need for Govt Transparency, Fundamental to a Constitutional Federal Republic

But consider how our own government, on it’s own official fed website writes about our stunningly effective & potentially evergreen republican style of government:

“While often categorized as a democracy, the United States is more accurately defined as a constitutional federal republic: “Constitutional” refers to a government in the US that is based on a Constitution which is the supreme law of the US. The Constitution not only provides the framework for how the federal & state governments are structured, but also places significant limits on their powers. “Federal” means there is both a national government and governments of the 50 states. A “republic” is a form of government in which the people hold power, but elect representatives to exercise that power.”

So self-rule, citizen-led government, based on virtues, self-sacrifice, and transparent governments. Biden doesn’t understand this, but – see below – Obama publicly touted it!

SUBJECT: Transparency and Open Government
My Administration is committed to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government. We will work together to ensure the public trust and establish a system of transparency, public participation, and collaboration. Openness will strengthen our democracy and promote efficiency and effectiveness in Government.
Government should be transparent. Transparency promotes accountability and provides information for citizens about what their Government is doing. Information maintained by the Federal Government is a national asset.
Psychologists talk about Weaponized Incompetence. “When one partner in a relationship approaches a task with little to no effort to avoid being asked to do that task in the future.” Is that not what we're dealing with today in Biden's crazy failure- ridden Administration? Consider his Border & Immigration, Oil Regulation, or how his inexperienced transport czar literally ruins everything, when he’s not on maternity leave…etc ad infinitum. The Biden reaction: the “Cloak of Competence” – capturing attempts to disguise limitations and exaggerate abilities.

But, consider – is Designed Incompetence the only way Democrats can achieve total power? This is self-evidently true to Democrats.They therefore need us all to know we have no choice but to swallow it all, dystopia style. But in 2024 we need a new Republican Senate that shall punish the bad members and make the criminals suffer, just like the US House is doing today. Yet, in the meantime, we need a whole lot of prayer, folks – a whole lot of prayer.

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