Metatron-n- Shala adn the council of twelve Channelling

2 years ago

Metatron came through first speaking of being grateful and also to band together that the light will win out. He spoke of the sacred geometry that structures the energies of the universe into galaxy stars and planets. oh and you can avoid life review by turning away for m the light but you only can avoid for so long before it catches up with you. Better to face the music I say.

I pulled two card from the Starseed Oracle deck the first was Lifting the Veil the second was the Messenger Sirius Energies bringing Harmony and balance.

So I brought through Shala and the council of twelve from the Academy of light. Shala commented on the sandalwood and vanilla scents which she had not smelled sin years I got the impression it was a fond memory. The council came through with a revelation regarding the galactic federation is having its own purging of their ranks for abuses of the immersion pods that they have used to control and stifle or growth. So as Ishmael Perez stated on Tarot by janie that would be tribunals There as well as on earth they even said as above so below! They said their ships would be up in ou night skies revealing themselves to Those that look up and are working to keep the mitar and Draco off the planets and auditing immersion pods to find others who have been misusing the technology. They are giving us a clear field and we need only need to band together and overwhelm them with our numbers. We do out number them nowl!

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