As In The Days Of Noah

1 year ago

Rare look inside of Noah’s Ark located in Turkey
Ron Wyatt was the first to find and record inside the Ark.
It is reported the new Soviet regime went to the site in 1920 as a scientific expedition.
This film is from 2010.

As In The Days Of Noah

In 1946 The Jubalaires released their R&B gospel song Noah, which includes the first rapping ever recorded.

Matthew 24:37
Amplified Bible
37 For the coming of the Son of Man (the Messiah) will be just like the days of Noah.

There are giant corporations of the world and perverts of renown in the land, just as in the days of Noah.
Reference Genesis 6:4

A 10 million light years from above view of the Flood
[DECLAS] [NEW] [DAILY] [1]OWL[1] The Fallen Angels and the Nephilim - Ex...the Book written by Noah_s Grandfather
PDF 3 pgs

Gene DeCode
Are You Aware of The Difference Between 3D/4D/5D?
Living For Ascension?

Service To Others, and they gave to others what they had so freely received.

When a man, a woman, see their little daily tasks as integral portions of the one great work, they are no longer drudges but co-workers with God.
~ Annie Basant

There are literally tens of thousands of unsung heroes who have served others, as a way of life. I will only name one here.
John Chapmen, also known as “Johnny Appleseed” as engraved on his gravestone, “He Lived To Serve Others.” His avocation and his legacy was serving others/future settlers with food and later on as a cash crop of apples.
All across the American Western territories of the early 19th century. He made a difference with a very simple selfless lifestyle, day after day, planting apple trees, until his work was done.

And they gave of the gifts they were so graciously given.
What is your gift to give to a waiting world.
We’re all lifters
We’re all helpers.
We’re all light givers.

Noah is mentioned in the Bible with the great pantheon of witnesses who had faith in God and they trusted the word of His direction.
Noah had the type of faith that kept him on task despite what the haters and trolls could do or would do.
No fear!

Hebrews 11:7
Amplified Bible
7 By faith [with confidence in God and His word] Noah, being warned by God about events not yet seen, in reverence prepared an ark for the salvation of his family. By this [act of obedience] he condemned the world and became an heir of the righteousness which comes by faith.

Noah was faithful.
He stayed at the task!
Noah condemned “the world” and its evil not only in words, but with a saw and a hammer.
What did God make abundantly clear to Noah.
Build a boat!
We don’t know exactly what Noah’s immediate response was to God’s request.
But we do know that by the time Noah sussed out the answer, the answer was a resounding; Yes!

Jake Stanley, Judy Marshal & Allison Krauss
On Heaven’s Bright Shore

Now I’ve got to bring you back to Earth. And the situation in front of us today. You’ve no doubt have heard the phrase. “They’ve lied to us about everything!”
Well, here is one more instance where the Cabal has lied to us all once more.
We have about 23 to 29 years until the next end of this world scenario. Kaput, Revelation Time, Armageddon, Apocalypse Cycle, Full Stop, The End of this 12,000 year cycle. And then the next Earth cycle begins.

Douglas Vogt
Diehold Foundation YouTube
A series of videos outlining how he came to his conclusions about the end of the age.
Doug’s books are registered in the Library of Congress under Scientific Journals
Doug places the end of the age in 2046, from a cyclical Micro-Nova from our Sun.
I have given you a link to the introduction to the Diehold Foundation series on YouTube.
There must be at least 50+ hours of watching and learning. I highly recommend his work.
My favorite quote of Doug Vogt: “If we live in a cyclical system? And I believe we do. What I want to know; who wrote the program?”

Who Wrote The Book of Love - 1954

Suspicious Observers
Earth Disaster Series
Try not to go glassy eyed, he is a good teacher and brings his subject home.

Hard to say how this two column diagram, below, will turn out in Rumble. If it all turns out all good, God is helping the folks at Rumble.

Magnetic Excursions
Now. Shift Ongoing
Gothenburg……………12,000 yrs
Lake Mungo……………24,000 yrs
Mono Lake……………..36,000 yrs
Laschamp……………. 48,000 yrs
Vostok………………….. 60,000 yrs
Toba……………………. 72,000 yrs

Half Cycle (6000 Years)
Noah/Sumerian……. 6,000 yrs
Hilina Pali………………18,000 yrs (unnamed)……………..30,000 yrs
[new] Laschamp……48,000 yrs

Quarter Harmonic
Dansgaard-Oeschger/Bond Cycle.1,800 yrs
Credit to Ben Davidson.

Q Drop
Utnapishtim | Mesopotamian mythology | Britannica

Suspicious Observers, Ben Davidson, contends there is at least three times as much water under Earth’s crust than there is water on the surface.

Suspicious Observers Daily Show
The waters below

So if a large geological event were to occur “Watch The Water” may mean a rise in water levels on the coastlines.
As a Christian intuitive, this seems to be potential.

6 pgs PDF
Included On Page 2 of 6 pages
“There is a prophecy in certain Asiatic old books couched in the following terms, the sense of which we may make clearer by adding to it a few words in brackets.
“And as the fourth (race) was composed of Red-yellow which faded into Brown- white (bodies), so the fifth will fade out into white-brown (the white races becoming gradually darker). The sixth and seventh Manushi (men?) will be born adults; and will know of no old age, though their years will be many. . . .”
“Thus we find from the above that the characteristics of the race that will follow ours are – a darker skin, shortened period of infancy and old age, or in other words a growth and development that in the present age (to the profane) appear quite miraculous. . . . The seven Rounds decrease and increase in their respective durations, as well as the seven races in each.”

There is good evidence to suggest that alcohol wine did not exist before the flood.
The Earth, before the flood, was like a terrarium with a continual cloud or fog encircling the Earth. It wasn’t until after the flood that we saw a rainbow, light refracting through water borne air.

Genesis 9: 8-17 especially v. 13

Genesis 9:20-24

It had never rained before the Flood. Inside the terrarium. A hothouse type weather system was Earth 6000 years ago. The Earth was watered by ground water and the dew collected on the plants and soil. Hybrid Line

Noah And The Great Flood
Genesis and Sirian Hybrid Linage
Short Read

6 pgs PDF
Included On Page 2 of 6 pages
There is a prophecy in certain Asiatic old books couched in the following terms, the sense of which we may make clearer by adding to it a few words in brackets.
“And as the fourth (race) was composed of Red-yellow which faded into Brown- white (bodies), so the fifth will fade out into white-brown (the white races becoming gradually darker). The sixth and seventh Manushi (men?) will be born adults; and will know of no old age, though their years will be many. . . .”
“Thus we find from the above that the characteristics of the race that will follow ours are – a darker skin, shortened period of infancy and old age, or in other words a growth and development that in the present age (to the profane) appear quite miraculous. . . . The seven Rounds decrease and increase in their respective durations, as well as the seven races in each.

Every morning before work Noah and his sons had a prayer meeting and a safety meeting before starting the days work.
Biggest construction project that had ever happened in the pre-diluvian age.
There were giants in the land and their harassment bullies who work for the “Cain Construction Co. the “big boys”. And their mafioso connections of Noah’s day.

The Sopranos
Christopher gets his brokers license then leaves the sadistic little antichists in charge to harass the employees.

So when hecklers (trolls) come-out at the rising of the Sun each day to listen to Noah’s discourse on the painstakingly slow progress of building an Ark over the last 120 years.

The Raft Of Trolls Message Noah
HiveMind says
“Blah blah blah, black sheep have you any wool, Not since Noah and his sons went to work on the colossal monument to stupidity. Haha hahaha”
We’ve all seen the mindless remarks of trolls on social media. And if someone needs to write haha, after their opinion. Well then.

Since our Fathers have died, it has always been like it is right now. What makes me believe nothing is going change.
Reference 2 Peter 3:4

Noah claims there’s going to be a Storm of unprecedented size and of monumental ferocity coming to our shores.
“What STORM is that Mr. Noah.” Says Mz.antichrist, as the fresh blood drips off of her tongue.
“You’ll see!” Says Noah.
Where have I heard that before?

There is a reoccurring catastrophe that happens on this planet every 1,800 years, every 6,000 and 12,000 thousand years.
We, as huemanity have spiritually been to this place in Hueman evolution of society before.
Each time we have fallen back into slavery again.
This time we have an opportunity to break the spell placed on mankind. All we need to do now is steady as she goes.
With a 100 miles per hour headwind and being buffeted about to and fro by every fear message the Cabal blasts at us.
Some days it’s all I can do but hold on.
Well Hold On Then!

As a sentient being, as a Child of God, you must get over your fear of criticism, rejection and of the taunting of men and devils or you will never do anything of lasting value.
There have always been and will be for the foreseeable future; there will be our detractors.
Like crabs (trolls) in a near boiling pot, they will all pull one another under the murky waves.

Sister Rosetta Tharpe
Didn’t Rain

Perfect Love Does Not Need The Law
But if you continue to need a rule guide. Keep these Laws and Live
The 7 Noahide Laws
You are a Noahide
The 7 Noahide Laws:
Universal Morality -

Find people in your local community who are of like mind as you.
Meet together, in your homes, for family fellowship, study the Bible and meaningful spiritual works together. What is needed is companionship, moral support, and to be accountable to one another.
A Leader among you will arise, or one will emerge to find your group. God always supplies a need.
The corporate church is no longer viable. The modern corporate church is filled to the brim and to overflowing with trappings of the old hag “the world”.

What Time Is It On Earth’s Clock
Everly Brothers
Wake Up Lil Susie
Gently nudge your friend
Wake Up

Be well my friends


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