Stralya Incorporated Part1

2 years ago

It can be tough to near impossible to work out whom is pulling whos strings. They say no coincidences? . Why would such a Passage be Written and then Read Out in such a precise way so that it can legitimately mean opposite sort of things?? . Hmmmm

We have to ask the Question, right.

So, is this just atrocious comprehension of English, and how to convey a message without ambiguity?

Or is it such a word salad on purpose?? . Veiled Communications?

If it is the former, it displays a level of communication incompetence that should be very concerning. Especially for a CEO or Executive.

The key parts in the first few minutes, the rest is just the Full Session for reference or context.

Prime Minister used to be a derogatory label that no good man WANTED. PM used to be EQUAL to all other Ministers. It would once have been Thrust Upon them like a Burden. But good men, accept the burden to do something for Good.

There's certainly 'rumours' that Federal were on site Before state 'enforcement'. Allegedly. More than just one division of police and corporates involved. Who can say there were no Police firing at Police?. When does the open investigation happen??. Why Not?. Hmmmm. :3

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