How The Pyramids Were Really Built

1 year ago

Who hasn't wondered how the pyramids and many other enigmatic megalithic structures throughout the world were built? This great video not only provides an answer to those perplexing questions, but to many more as well.
Here, you'll learn how ancient Egyptians traveled to the Americas and built the pyramids and many other megalithic structures that still stand in Mezo America and South America, and how they later sailed to Easter Island, Australia and to many other places throughout the world, leaving behind their unique fingerprints wherever they went in the form of megalithic structures, which were built using the same technologies and measurement system that they used to build the great pyramids and temples of Egypt.
While mainstream archeologists work hard to deny these facts, because it would mean acknowledging certain truths that have been intentionally hidden from the public for millennia, this is not just wild speculation. It's based on undeniable forensic evidence which can not only be found in the unique building styles and methodologies used by the ancient Egyptians, it can also be found in the common astronomical alignments of the structures that they built using the metric system, which they applied to everything that they built--a system of measurement that first appeared in Egypt, thousands of years before it did anywhere else.
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