How to Quit Complaining and Be Content

1 year ago

Hello friends and praying citizens! This is part 5 of Getting to the Root of it where we go through the seven strongholds of Satan that plague our lives. Do you ever find yourself judging someone? Being critical? Grumbling and complaining? Being impatient or discontent? These are all the rotten fruits of ENVY, which the Bible refers to as covetousness, greed, and idolatry. Stay with me, and I’ll show you how these work together to steal your joy and your relationships.
In-depth teaching on Envy and links to barrenness:

“Getting to the Root of it” series:
Part 1 - Are we ready for Jesus to return?

Part 2 - Invasion of the Body Snatchers (background on evil spirits)

Part 3 - Digging out the Root of Bitterness

Part 4 - Healing the Broken Heart of Rejection

Interview with Mary Pat Jones

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