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About Ichthys.com

2 years ago

DR. Robert Luginbill has been the author of ichthys.com since 1997. I've personally been studying his materials for over 8 years and cannot find any significant fault or unorthodox in any of his teachings, NOT that he's perfect by any means, however a little reading of his work certainly shows The Spirit uses this man and his site is well worth any serious believers time if one wishes to grow in The Lord dramatically.

Satanic Rebellion Series: https://ichthys.com/Satanic-Rebellion-Home-Page.htm

Coming Tribulation Series: https://ichthys.com/Coming-Tribulation-Home-Page.htm

Bible Basics Series: https://ichthys.com/Bible-Basics-Home-Page.htm

Peters Epistles Series: https://ichthys.com/Peter-Series-Home-Page.htm

Hebrews Series: https://ichthys.com/Hebrews-Home-Page.htm

Emails: https://ichthys.com/e-mails.htm


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