Don’t do it for them; do it for yourself #shorts #fitnessmotivation #workoutmotivation

1 year ago

Why did you start working out? Was it to get more girls? Was it because someone said you were fat? Was it because your family/significant other said you should?

There‘s two types of motivation: extrinsic (seeking validation from an external source) and intrinsic (fulfilling internal needs/goals). Basically, are you doing something for external motives, or internal motives?

When I started working out at 21 (I’m almost 32 now), there were lots of external factors. I wanted to impress girls. I wanted to impress my friends. But as time grew on, the desire to be fit became less and less about doing it for others. Now, I work out for me and me alone.

Outside forces come and go. The only constant is you.

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