The Chicken Life is for you. If i can do it you can too!

1 year ago

In the morning i get up with the sun and go outside to let the chickies out. I take them food and fresh water. This takes me 10 minutes tops and as cold as its been, its probably only about 5 minutes lol. Around noon i go back out to check on the babies and collect any eggs. 5 to 10 minutes. I might check for eggs once more if i dont get my daily 5 by noon. Then around dusk the chickies jump back into the coop for the night an find their favorite spot to roost. I go out to lock the door so the critters an the cold cant get in. And that is my standard daily routine. On days i clean out the coop, it probably adds around 20 minutes at most. So on any given day i spend under an hour tending to the ladies. Its that simple!

When they are babies they will need a bit more attention. But its about the same amount of time invested each day. Under an hour. Clean food. Clean water. Clean bedding. Baby chickies will need added warmth. They are vulnerable during the first few months as they wont have developed their feathers yet an would rely on momma chick to keep them warm and toasty. I would advise against a heat light as they are too prone to start a fire. I used an electric brooder/heater propped up inside of a large cardboard box for the babies. It was easy enough to change the entire box out monthly with changing out the bedding every few days for the baby chicks. Simple stuff folks. If i can opt in on The Chicken Life. You can too. Its so easy and the chickies are amazing to watch grow up so fast. I wish i started years ago. Start off with 4 (Chickens are a social creature. They wont be happy without a few fellow chickies. So 4 should be minimum in your flock.) to 6 babies and once you catch The Chicken Life bug it will be part of your daily routine. Less then an hour a day folks.

Today im at just under 8 months from the day i got my babies. As mentioned in the video, for every expense related to The Chicken Life, i have about 1,000 dollars invested. But the joy the chickies bring me is priceless.

Shout out to Off Grid with Doug and Stacy - CHICKEN FEED FACTS AND SECRETS

Shout out to Acres of Adventure Homestead - CHICKEN WATERER To Use During the WINTER (No ELECTRICITY Needed)

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